Company Introduction

Yıldırım Construction Engineering, Construction Trade Co. was founded by Civil Engineer Osman YILDIRIM began to work on 27.02.1995.

The main purpose of our company is to perform engineering and consultancy services to domestic and foreign institutions and organizations about profession and experience themes which are described below in details. Yıldırım Construction has comprehension to serve accurate, rapid and dynamic response while using the newest technology, appropriate engineering norms and being aware of its responsibilities about related project topics. In addition, the principles of Yıldırım Construction are to pursue global literature, cooperate with universities and work as a team with other individuals or institutions.

Working Places

Yurtiçi ve dışı Kamu ve Özel sektöre ait hertürlü üstyapı altyapı proje ve ihale dosyalarının hazırlaması ve müşavirlik hizmetlerinin yapılması

Architectural Design Services

  • Making application and detail designs conforming to regulations, by utilising brand new materials.
  • Making models and preparing 3D visual

Bill of Quantities and Estimated Costs

  • We prepare bill of quantities on the basis of the design we made and multiply the quantity of each item by the unit prices in the price list specified  in the tender documents or by the market prices if there is no unit price specified in the said list.

Statical Analysis and Detailing of Reinforced Concrete and Steel Structures

  • Analysis, design and detailing of reinforced concrete and steel structures according to Turkish ;Earthquake Code 2007
  • Three dimensional dynamic analysis, design and detailing of multistorey high structures with SAP 2000 and ETABS softwares
  • Dynamic analysis, design and detailing of  reinforced concrete shell structures with SAP2000 software
  • Analysis, design and detailing of flat slab, ribbed slab, waffle slab with  SAP2000, SAFE software
  • Analysis, design and detailing of prefabricated, prestressed and post-tensioned reinforced concrete structures
  • Analysis and design of steel structures and industrial construction
  • Analysis and design of 3 – D Space Truss Systems
  • Analysis and design of base mat systems with SAP2000 and SAFE programs
  • Analysis of pile foundations according to dynamic effects
  • Dynamic analysis, design and detailing of special structures with long span

Licensed Software

Picture of Etabs
Picture of Probina
Picture of Oska
Picture of Sap2000
Picture of Sta4Cad
Picture of CSI Safe
CSI Safe
Picture of Auto CAD
Auto CAD
Picture of Section Builder
Section Builder
Picture of Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office
Picture of CSI Colums Desing
CSI Colums Desing
Picture of RW Cad
RW Cad